Numbers in Galician

Learn numbers in Galician

Knowing numbers in Galician is probably one of the most useful things you can learn to say, write and understand in Galician. Learning to count in Galician may appeal to you just as a simple curiosity or be something you really need. Perhaps you have planned a trip to a country where Galician is the most widely spoken language, and you want to be able to shop and even bargain with a good knowledge of numbers in Galician.

It's also useful for guiding you through street numbers. You'll be able to better understand the directions to places and everything expressed in numbers, such as the times when public transportation leaves. Can you think of more reasons to learn numbers in Galician?

Galician (galego) is a romance language from the Indo-European family. It is spoken in Galicia, an autonomous community of Spain where it is co-official with Spanish (Castillan). Galician counts about 3 million speakers.

List of numbers in Galician

Here is a list of numbers in Galician. We have made for you a list with all the numbers in Galician from 1 to 20. We have also included the tens up to the number 100, so that you know how to count up to 100 in Galician. We also close the list by showing you what the number 1000 looks like in Galician.

  • 1) un
  • 2) dous
  • 3) tres
  • 4) catro
  • 5) cinco
  • 6) seis
  • 7) sete
  • 8) oito
  • 9) nove
  • 10) dez
  • 11) once
  • 12) doce
  • 13) trece
  • 14) catorce
  • 15) quince
  • 16) dezaseis
  • 17) dezasete
  • 18) dezoito
  • 19) dezanove
  • 20) vinte
  • 30) trinta
  • 40) corenta
  • 50) cincuenta
  • 60) sesenta
  • 70) setenta
  • 80) oitenta
  • 90) noventa
  • 100) cen
  • 1,000) mil
  • one million) un milhom
  • one billion) un bilhom
  • one trillion) un trilhom

Numbers in Galician: Galician numbering rules

Each culture has specific peculiarities that are expressed in its language and its way of counting. The Galician is no exception. If you want to learn numbers in Galician you will have to learn a series of rules that we will explain below. If you apply these rules you will soon find that you will be able to count in Galician with ease.

The way numbers are formed in Galician is easy to understand if you follow the rules explained here. Surprise everyone by counting in Galician. Also, learning how to number in Galician yourself from these simple rules is very beneficial for your brain, as it forces it to work and stay in shape. Working with numbers and a foreign language like Galician at the same time is one of the best ways to train our little gray cells, so let's see what rules you need to apply to number in Galician

  • Digits and numbers from zero to fifteen are specific words, namely cero [0], un (feminine unha) [1], dous (feminine dúas) [2], tres [3], catro [4], cinco [5], seis [6], sete [7], oito [8], nove [9], dez [10], once [11], doce [12], trece [13], catorce [14], and quince [15]. Sixteen to nineteen are regular numbers, i.e. named after the ten and the digit, and written phonetically: dezaseis [10 and 6], dezasete [10 and 7], dezoito [10 and 8], dezanove [10 and 9].
  • The tens have specific names based on the multipliers digit root, except for ten and twenty: dez [10], vinte [20], trinta [30], corenta [40], cincuenta [50], sesenta [60], setenta [70], oitenta [80], and noventa [90].
  • Hundreds are formed by prefixing the plural form of the hundred word (cen, plural centos) with the multiplier digit, except for one hundred itself: cen [100], douscentos [200], trescentos [300], catrocentos [400], cincocentos [500], seiscentos [600], setecentos [700], oitocentos [800], and novecentos [900].
  • Tens and units are linked with e (and), as in trinta e cinco [35], as well as hundreds and tens (e.g.: cento e corenta e seis [146]), but not thousands and hundreds, unless the number ends with a hundred with two zeroes (e.g.: dous mil e trescentos [2,300], but dous mil trescentos e sete [2,307]). E is also used to link thousands and units (e.g.: catro mil e cinco [4,005]).
  • Galician uses the short scale naming convention where every new word greater than a million is one thousand times bigger than the previous term. For example, un milhom is 106 (one million), un bilhom is 109 (one billion in the US), and un trilhom is 1012 (one trillion in the US).
  • Numbers in different languages