Learn numbers in Ukrainian
Knowing numbers in Ukrainian is probably one of the most useful things you can learn to say, write and understand in Ukrainian. Learning to count in Ukrainian may appeal to you just as a simple curiosity or be something you really need. Perhaps you have planned a trip to a country where Ukrainian is the most widely spoken language, and you want to be able to shop and even bargain with a good knowledge of numbers in Ukrainian.
It's also useful for guiding you through street numbers. You'll be able to better understand the directions to places and everything expressed in numbers, such as the times when public transportation leaves. Can you think of more reasons to learn numbers in Ukrainian?
Ukrainian (українська мова, transliterated as ukrajinśka mova) belongs to the East Slavic group of the Indo-European family. Official language in Ukraine, Crimea and Transnistria, it counts about 45 million speakers. The Ukrainian language is written in a variation of the Cyrillic script counting 33 letters.
List of numbers in Ukrainian
Here is a list of numbers in Ukrainian. We have made for you a list with all the numbers in Ukrainian from 1 to 20. We have also included the tens up to the number 100, so that you know how to count up to 100 in Ukrainian. We also close the list by showing you what the number 1000 looks like in Ukrainian.
- 1) один (odin)
- 2) два (dva)
- 3) три (tri)
- 4) чотири (čotiri)
- 5) п’ять (p’âtʹ)
- 6) шість (šìstʹ)
- 7) сім (sìm)
- 8) вісім (vìsìm)
- 9) дев’ять (dev’âtʹ)
- 10) десять (desâtʹ)
- 11) одинадцять (odinadcâtʹ)
- 12) дванадцять (dvanadcâtʹ)
- 13) тринадцять (trinadcâtʹ)
- 14) чотирнадцять (čotirnadcâtʹ)
- 15) п’ятнадцять (p’âtnadcâtʹ)
- 16) шістнадцять (šìstnadcâtʹ)
- 17) сімнадцять (sìmnadcâtʹ)
- 18) вісімнадцять (vìsìmnadcâtʹ)
- 19) дев’ятнадцять (dev’âtnadcâtʹ)
- 20) двадцять (dvadcâtʹ)
- 30) тридцять (tridcâtʹ)
- 40) сорок (sorok)
- 50) п’ятдесят (p’âtdesât)
- 60) шістдесят (šìstdesât)
- 70) сімдесят (sìmdesât)
- 80) вісімдесят (vìsìmdesât)
- 90) дев’яносто (dev’ânosto)
- 100) сто (sto)
- 1,000) одна тисяча (odna tisâča)
- one million) мільйон (mìlʹjon)
- one billion) мільярд (mìlʹârd)
- one trillion) трильйон (trilʹjon)
Numbers in Ukrainian: Ukrainian numbering rules
Each culture has specific peculiarities that are expressed in its language and its way of counting. The Ukrainian is no exception. If you want to learn numbers in Ukrainian you will have to learn a series of rules that we will explain below. If you apply these rules you will soon find that you will be able to count in Ukrainian with ease.
The way numbers are formed in Ukrainian is easy to understand if you follow the rules explained here. Surprise everyone by counting in Ukrainian. Also, learning how to number in Ukrainian yourself from these simple rules is very beneficial for your brain, as it forces it to work and stay in shape. Working with numbers and a foreign language like Ukrainian at the same time is one of the best ways to train our little gray cells, so let's see what rules you need to apply to number in Ukrainian
Digits from one to nine are specific words, namely один (odin) [1], два (dva) [2], три (tri) [3], чотири (čotiri) [4], п’ять (p’âtʹ) [5], шість (šìstʹ) [6], сім (sìm) [7], вісім (vìsìm) [8], and дев’ять (dev’âtʹ) [9].
The tens are formed by adding the word for ten (десять, desâtʹ) at the end of the digits, with the exception of ten where the unit is implicit, and both forty and ninety: десять (desâtʹ) [10], двадцять (dvadcâtʹ) [20], тридцять (tridcâtʹ) [30], сорок (sorok) [40], п’ятдесят (p’âtdesât) [50], шістдесят (šìstdesât) [60], сімдесят (sìmdesât) [70], вісімдесят (vìsìmdesât) [80], and дев’яносто (dev’ânosto) [90].
From eleven to nineteen, the compound numbers are built by saying the unit digit and a form of the word for ten (надцять, nadcâtʹ) with no space: одинадцять (odinadcâtʹ) [11], дванадцять (dvanadcâtʹ) [12], тринадцять (trinadcâtʹ) [13], чотирнадцять (čotirnadcâtʹ) [14], п’ятнадцять (p’âtnadcâtʹ) [15], шістнадцять (šìstnadcâtʹ) [16], сімнадцять (sìmnadcâtʹ) [17], вісімнадцять (vìsìmnadcâtʹ) [18], and дев’ятнадцять (dev’âtnadcâtʹ) [19].
From twenty-one to ninety-nine, the compound numbers are built by saying the ten, then the digit separated by a space (e.g.: двадцять три (dvadcâtʹ tri) [23], тридцять п’ять (tridcâtʹ p’âtʹ) [35]).
Hundreds are built by setting the multiplier digit before the word for hundred which takes different forms: сто (sto) [100], двісті (dvìstì) [200], триста (trista) [300], чотириста (čotirista) [400], п’ятсот (p’âtsot) [500], шістсот (šìstsot) [600], сімсот (sìmsot) [700], вісімсот (vìsìmsot) [800], and дев’ятсот (dev’âtsot) [900].
Thousands are built by setting the multiplier digit before the word for thousand (тисяча, tisâča) which takes a different form after the multipliers two, three and four: одна тисяча (odna tisâča) [1,000], дві тисячі (dvì tisâčì) [2,000], три тисячі (tri tisâčì) [3,000], чотири тисячі (čotiri tisâčì) [4,000], п’ять тисяч (p’âtʹ tisâč) [5,000], шість тисяч (šìstʹ tisâč) [6,000], сім тисяч (sìm tisâč) [7,000], вісім тисяч (vìsìm tisâč) [8,000], and дев’ять тисяч (dev’âtʹ tisâč) [9,000].
When compound, the thousands are said before the hundreds, the hundreds before the tens, and the tens before the digits (e.g.: дві тисячі чотирнадцять (dvì tisâčì čotirnadcâtʹ) [2,014], три тисячі, дев’ятсот двадцять вісім (tri tisâčì, dev’âtsot dvadcâtʹ vìsìm) [3,928]).
The word for million is мільйон (mìlʹjon), the word for billion, мільярд (mìlʹârd), and trillion (1012) is трильйон (trilʹjon).
Ukrainian transliteration
Numbers in different languages